August 17th - August 26th
the final week of the Collapse Laboratory
one intensive week of ideas and exchange
Our last, best chance
If you can only come to one week of the Collapse Laboratory, come to this one. This is the final event of the year 2023. If this is the final year, then this is indeed your last, best chance.
One week of intensive, emotional, hard work. Exchanging with beautiful humans. Thinking about the end, and what come after. A new Foundation.
A celebration of life. Singing, dancing around the fire, making Stockbrot.
Unrestricted, uninhibited prognositcating on Collapse.
We understand that:
collapse is imminent
We believe that:
we will spend some time in a state which we can call "collapse"
We want to
Be Useful from this side of collapse to those future humans rebuilding on the other side of collapse.
Read all about the full programme (with lots more details) here.

Answers and Requirements​
If you have any questions about or special requirements for you booking, please let us know and we will do what we can to answer and accommodate.
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