At some point, I am going to add a database of trees on the barracks to this here website, to go along with the mushroom database.
That's the good thing about a database. You can add things to it nice and easily. Such as trees I currently haven't identified, German and other international names, pictures, ages. All that. What other information would you like to know? Tell me in the comments or on my Instagram
I'll get around to it at some point. It's not that much work, but I'm hoping that spring will actually appear some time soon. And I am kinda busy with sowing a gazillion seeds in a bajillion pots. If the snow clears up for long enough, I'd quite like to dig some new ground as well.
Until then, here is the (updated, but almost certainly incomplete list) of trees which are currently here.
Trees which were already here when I moved in.
Norway spruce / Picea abies
European silver fir / Abies alba
Caucasian fir / Abies nordmaniana
Blue spruce / Picea pungens
Horse chestnut / Aesculus hippocastanum
Silver birch / Betula pendula
Paper birch / Betula papyrifera*
European larch / Larix decidua
Common oak / Quercus robur
Red oak / Quercus rubra
Common alder / Alnus glutinosa
White poplar / Populus alba
Aspen / Populus tremula
Ash / Fraxinus ornus
Weeping willow Salix babylonica
Beech / Fagus sylvatica
Rowan / Sorbus aucuparia
Whitebeam / Sorbus aria
Hazel / Corylus avellana
Lilac / Syringa vulgaris
A Sweet Cherry / Prunus avium
A Sour Cherry / Prunus cerasus
Elder / Sambucus nigra
Some unknown maple / Acer
Another unknown maple / Acer
I’m not good at maples/ Acer
Trees I have planted.
Beech / Fagus sylvatica
Red oak / Quercus rubra
Common oak / Quercus robur
Shagbark hickory / Carya ovata
Weeping willow / Salix babylonica
Cracked willow / Salix fagilis
Hornbeam / Carpinus betulus
Red alder / Alnus glutinosa
Spindle tree / Euonymus europaeus
Caucasian fir / Abies nordmanina
Douglas Fir / Pseudotsugo menziesii
Californian redwood / Sequoiadendron giganteum
Chinese redwood / Metasequoia glyptostroboides
True service tree / Sorbus domestica
Wild service tree / Sorbus torminalis
Sweet chestnut / Castanea sativa
Apple (8 vars) / Malus domestica
Pear (2 varieties) / Pyrus
Plum / Prunus
Damson / Prunus
Mirabelle / Prunus
Peach / Prunus
Apricot / Prunus
Sweet Cherry / Prunus avium
Sour Cherry / Prunus cerasus
Pomegranate / Punica granatum
Medlar / Mespilus germanica
Quince / Cydonia oblonga
Hazelnut / Corylus avellana
Filibert / Corylus maxima
Walnut / Juglans regia
Juniper / Juniperus
I know that I have forgotten some. And I know that there are some which I haven't identified yet. More of a time thing than anything else.
Still, I make that 56 different trees on the barracks so far.
If you could plant any tree, what tree would it be?